National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Final Advice
This page provides links to the Office of the Prime Minister’s National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Final Advice.
This page provides links to the Office of the Prime Minister’s National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Final Advice.
This document provides an overview of the three connected reports that together form the Final Advice of the National Suicide Prevention Adviser. It outlines the key areas of focus to enable a suicide prevention approach where all governments and agencies, not just health, join forces to address suicidal distress and its causes.
This report is essential reading to contextualise the Final Advice, capturing the voices of over 3,000 people with lived experience of suicide. The clarion call is for an approach that addresses vulnerabilities long before a crisis and for a more compassionate response that connects people to the right supports.
This report details eight practical and achievable recommendations and actions for driving change. Informed by lived experience, it identifies four key enablers and four key shifts that are required to build a more connected and compassionate approach that leverages the full range of services, touchpoints, policy drivers and resources available to governments.
This report outlines a model for operationalising a comprehensive whole of government approach to suicide prevention, including a decision-making tool to be used by government portfolios. It highlights the critical role that multiple sectors and government portfolios have in suicide prevention and provides practical guidance on the steps that can be taken
This report contains Appendices that support the Final Advice, including jurisdictional approaches to suicide prevention, mapping themes and recommendations across major reports, consultation on the Interim Advice and other supporting activities of the National Suicide Prevention Taskforce.
Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, these supplementary lived experience reports expand on the research that forms the Compassion First report to ensure a focus on culturally and linguistically diverse communities, men, LGBTIQ+ communities, caregivers, and people bereaved by suicide.
In April 2021, National Suicide Prevention Adviser Christine Morgan launched the Final Advice with a briefing webinar led by the voice of Australians with lived experience. If you missed the webinar, it is now available to view and download.
The National Suicide Prevention Taskforce provided Interim Advice and supplementary research reports to the Prime Minister in August 2020. The Interim Advice builds on the Initial Findings submitted in November 2019 and outlines actions to deliver a more coordinated, comprehensive and compassionate approach to suicide prevention in Australia.