National Suicide Prevention Office

In response to recommendations in the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Final Advice and Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health and suicide prevention, the Federal Government announced the creation of a National Suicide Prevention Office in 2021.

What is the National Suicide Prevention Office?

Established in 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Office (NSPO) advises and supports all levels and parts of government to take coordinated, comprehensive and consistent action to reduce suicide and suicidality in Australia.

To facilitate this approach the NSPO is responsible for:

  • Developing a National Suicide Prevention Strategy that includes all parts and levels of government and stakeholders.
  • Building capacity and capability of government systems, service providers, and community networks to respond early and provide coordinated, compassionate care.
  • Embedding lived experience at the core of decision making to ensure policies and programs meet the needs of those impacted.
  • Developing a national outcomes framework, informed by lived experience, which is applied nationally, down to program and service level
  • Working with all jurisdictions and stakeholders to develop a National Suicide Prevention Workforce Strategy.
  • Monitoring and reporting on national progress, enhancing data collection, and building evidence to support decision-making and improve outcomes.

Why is the National Suicide Prevention Office important?

The NSPO plays an important role in driving a whole-of-governments approach to suicide prevention. This approach recognises that the drivers of suicide are diverse and encompass a broad range of economic, legal, social and health issues, and therefore, that development of a more proactive, compassionate and person-centred suicide prevention system requires contributions from all portfolios and governments.

The NSPO's focus on cooperation and collaboration across all levels of government also facilitates knowledge sharing and promotes a unified approach to reducing suicide rates in Australia. In line with this, the NSPO, along with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), established a National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring System. This transparency and access to information aims to increase the understanding of suicide and self-harm and improve ways we respond to suicide.

In this section

National Suicide Prevention Adviser's Final Advice

This page provides links to the Office of the Prime Minister’s National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Final Advice.