Western Australia
The Western Australian Suicide Prevention Framework 2021- 2025 provides a coordinated approach to suicide prevention in Western Australia.
All Western Australians experience optimal mental health and wellbeing and work together to prevent suicide in the community.
The framework includes four major streams with specific priority areas:
- Prevention / Early Intervention: Prioritises community engagement and awareness, education and training and responsible media reporting.
- Support / Aftercare: Prioritising competent and confident assistance for people experiencing a suicidal crisis, restricting means of suicide and appropriate aftercare following a suicide attempt.
- Postvention: Prioritising support for people and communities affected by a suicide death, streamlining notification processes and building community capacity.
- Aboriginal People: A specific stream is dedicated to Aboriginal people, developing a specific Western Australian Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Strategy that prioritises culturally appropriate approaches to social and emotional wellbeing and suicide prevention.
Enablers support action and promote strategy success. Western Australia’s framework describes four key success factors:
- Better use of data, information, and evidence to support suicide prevention.
- Partnerships, collaboration, and coordination of activities for better outcomes.
- Acknowledge the role that trauma and the social determinants of health have in suicide prevention.
- Challenging stigma.