National communications charter

The National communications charter (the Charter) is an evidence-informed document to help guide the way mental health and suicide prevention sectors, governments, businesses, communities and individuals communicate about mental health and wellbeing, mental health concerns and suicide.

The Charter guides a united approach to the way we communicate about mental health concerns and suicide. Through a shared commitment and combined actions, we can work together to reduce stigma and discrimination, and communicate in ways that are safe, inclusive and hopeful.

Signing the Charter serves as a formal commitment to use safe and consistent communication about mental health and wellbeing, mental health concerns and suicide. It is an agreement to put the guiding seven principles into practice to reduce stigma, minimise harm and promote help-seeking and help offering.

National communications charter
Sign the Charter

In this section


Learn more about the seven principles of the National communications charter (the Charter) and how to put them into practice.

Sign the Charter

As signatories to the National communications charter (the Charter), we agree to support the principles and key messages of the Charter.

Tools and resources

View and download a collection of digital and printable resources and tools to assist you in implementing, actioning and supporting the Charter.


As signatories to the National Communications Charter, the following individuals and organisations have agreed to support the principles and key messages of The Charter in reducing suicide and its impacts and improving the mental health and social and emotional wellbeing of people, families and communities across Australia.

The Charter history

History of the National communications charter (the Charter).