Read some of the latest suicide prevention news and research in Australia.
#YouCanTalk presentation on the Gold Coast
Today, Everymind’s Senior Project Officer, Simon Pont will be presenting at the Care for Life Suicide Prevention Network’s World Suicide Prevention Day event on the Gold Coast.
Introducing The National Communications Charter #CommsCharter
Posted in The Charter
The National Communications Charter: A unified approach to mental health and suicide prevention (The Charter) was officially launched in Melbourne today by Everymind and Minister of Health, the Hon. Greg Hunt.
Join Life in Mind at The Mental Health Services Conference
This week, Everymind’s Senior Project Officer, Simon Pont will be presenting on behalf of Life in Mind at the annual Mental Health Services (TheMHS) Conference in Adelaide.
#chatsafe: world-first guidelines helping young people talk safely about suicide
A new set of guidelines to support safe, online conversations about suicide have been launched yesterday by Orygen, the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health.
Insights into Life in Mind
Life in Mind, the national digital gateway which connects Australian suicide prevention organisations, services and programs to each other and communities, has long been a work in progress
Join Life in Mind at Lived Experience Summit
The team behind Life in Mind, a digital gateway that connects organisations and communities with access to suicide prevention programs, services, resources and research, will be on hand throughout the inaugural 2018 Lived Experience Summit in Brisbane this week.
Spotlight on campaign approaches
It has been a productive couple of weeks for the suicide prevention sector which has seen the launch of three insightful campaigns aimed at changing behaviour and attitudes towards suicide and mental illness.
NSPC 18 – An opportunity for collaboration & support
With the 2018 National Suicide Prevention Conference (NSPC) now at a close and all attendees back on the ground at their respective organisations, the Life In Mind team would like to share some insights on what they learned from the event.
Spotlight on the research behind the #YouCanTalk campaign
As conversations about suicide continue following the launch of the #YouCanTalk campaign, Life in Mind would like to take a moment to shine the spotlight on the ground-breaking research which informed and empowered the initiative.
Join Life in Mind at the National Suicide Prevention Conference 2018
The team behind Life in Mind, a digital gateway that connects organisations and communities with access to programs, services, resources and research within suicide prevention will be on hand throughout the 2018 National Suicide Prevention Conference (NSPC), in Adelaide this week.
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