Read some of the latest suicide prevention news and research in Australia.
PANDA Week in Focus – 11 – 18 November, 2018
With Sunday, 11 November, marking the start of Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA) Week, the Life in Mind team is taking a closer look this week at the range of work this important organisation undertakes within the suicide prevention sector.
Suicide prevention in focus: supporting men’s mental health
With November currently shining the spotlight on the topic of male mental health, the Life in Mind team have taken a closer look at why men are an important population to consider when it comes to suicide prevention.
NCIS visit Everymind
Find out about a recent visit from Natalie Johnson, Manager, National Coronial Information System (NCIS) to Everymindat the invitation of the Life in Mind team.
Launch of National Education Initiative - Be You
Funded by the Australian Government, Be You, represents the first single, integrated initiative that encompasses a child’s entire education, including the important transition points.
A $90 million investment towards zero suicides in NSW by 2023
This week NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, with the Minister for Mental Health, announced a $90 million investment into aftercare initiatives through suicide prevention funding.
Everymind to host an exhibition booth at the NSW Parliamentary Showcase featuring Life in Mind and the National Communications Charter
Posted in The Charter
This week the Life in Mind team will be on hand at the annual NSW Parliamentary Showcase in Sydney.
Join Life in Mind at the Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium
Today, Everymind’s Senior Project Officer, Dr. Elizabeth Paton will be presenting on behalf of Life in Mind at the 10th Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium in Tasmania.
Lifeline Text trial leading innovation in suicide prevention sector
A new trial designed to support those who are struggling via text message was launched recently by Lifeline Australia.
Extension to Australia’s national suicide prevention programs
This week, the Federal Government announced extended funding of the National Suicide Prevention leadership and Support Program through to 2021.
Life in Mind hosts national suicide data
This morning the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the Causes of Death data for 2017, that includes preliminary suicide death data for 2017 and revised suicide data for 2016 Australia.
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