State-based data
Most states and territories in Australia have established suicide monitoring systems to collect data and information on suicides. These can be used to assist service providers, policy makers and researchers. NSW, Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania publicly report their data on suicides.
Data from state registers are based on initial police reports and information available at the time of referral to the coroner. Each state and territory has different data collection processes, therefore this data is not directly comparable to the ABS Causes of Death data, which is based on final coronial determinations. Due to the differences in processes and counting rules for identifying suspected suicide deaths in each state and territory, one register cannot be directly compared with another.
Some delay in publication of suicide data exists across all state and territory systems due to the official processes in which the data must be recorded prior to release.
It is important to note that state-based data can appear to vary substantially month to month due to the smaller numbers involved.
Where to find publicly available state-based data:
- Victorian Suicide Register (VSR) - The VSR has been in operation since 2012. The Coroner’s Court of Victoria releases monthly suicide data reports.
- Queensland Suicide Register (QSR) and interim Queensland Suicide Register (iQSR) – The QSR was established in 1990 and is used to monitor long-term trends, and the iQSR was established in 2011 to provide real-time suicide monitoring. The Queensland Mental Health Commission releases monthly reports based on data from the iQSR.
- NSW Suicide Data Monitoring System – NSW commenced monitoring suicide data in October 2020 and releases monthly reports. The system is a collaboration between the NSW Ministry of Health, Department of Communities and Justice, the State Coroner and NSW Police.
- Tasmanian Suicide Register (TSR)—The TSR was established in 2017 to better understand suicide in Tasmania. It is a joint initiative between the Tasmanian Departments of Health and Justice and is maintained by the Magistrates Court of Tasmania Coronial Division.
The AIHW receives monthly data from Victoria, NSW and Queensland as part of the National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring System. These are presented on their suicide registers page.