The Charter
HNECC PHN supports National Communications Charter
Posted in The Charter
Hunter New England and Central Coast (HNECC) PHN has pledged their commitment to the National Communications Charter (The Charter) to help reduce stigma and promote the use of safe language around mental health, mental illness and suicide.
Eastern Melbourne PHN implement the National Communications Charter
Posted in The Charter
Eastern Melbourne PHN (EMPHN) became signatories to the National Communications Charter (The Charter) in July, promoting common language in mental health, mental illness and suicide.
A Charter that supports council's and communities to safely talk about suicide and mental ill-health
Posted in The Charter
The Northern Beaches and Maitland City Councils have both recently demonstrated their commitment to mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention by signing The National Communications Charter (The Charter).
Youth Drug and Alcohol Clinical Service sign The National Communications Charter
Posted in The Charter
The Newcastle Youth, Drug and Alcohol Clinical Service has pledged their commitment to the National Communications Charter to help reduce stigma and promote the use of safe and strengths-based language around mental health, mental illness and suicide.
SA Senior Management Council signs the National Communications Charter
Posted in The Charter
In support of the National Communications Charter (The Charter), the South Australian Government’s Senior Management Council (SMC) members all signed on Monday 9th September.
Premier of South Australia signs The National Communications Charter
Posted in The Charter
The National Communications Charter (The Charter) is being signed by leaders across many states, showing a commitment to promoting a common language in mental health, mental illness and suicide.
A cultural interpretation to the National Communications Charter
Posted in The Charter
There are many issues that as a community we find difficult to discuss, but through signing and embedding the National Communications Charter (The Charter) many are becoming more comfortable with talking about suicide and mental ill-health.
Everymind to host an exhibition booth at the NSW Parliamentary Showcase featuring Life in Mind and the National Communications Charter
Posted in The Charter
This week the Life in Mind team will be on hand at the annual NSW Parliamentary Showcase in Sydney.
Introducing The National Communications Charter #CommsCharter
Posted in The Charter
The National Communications Charter: A unified approach to mental health and suicide prevention (The Charter) was officially launched in Melbourne today by Everymind and Minister of Health, the Hon. Greg Hunt.
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