Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association signs The Charter

Posted 24th January 2023 in Sector news The Charter

The Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association (ANZMHA) has signed the National Communications Charter (The Charter) showing its commitment to developing better structures and processes to help reduce stigma around mental ill-health and suicide, and promote help-seeking behaviour.

ANZMHA closely aligns with the eight principles of The Charter, in particular principle six: working together to maximise efforts in mental health and suicide prevention. This is demonstrated through its provision of multiple conferences, providing opportunity for the sector, health professionals, community, lived experience and business to come together to share knowledge and insights in mental health and suicide prevention.

ANZMHA champions lived experience expertise, embedding lived experience presentations into each of its conferences, aligning with The Charter’s principle seven: acknowledge those with a lived experience of mental health or lived experience of suicide.

With over 14,000 members, ANZMHA will continue to support and promote The Charter’s guiding principles and core messages to all people within the workplace and community.

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