The National Communications Charter is a core part of many organisations who have become signatories, including organisations and institutes already actively working within the mental health and suicide prevention space.
InnoWell has become a proud signatory of the National Communications Charter (The Charter). As a joint venture between the University of Sydney Brain and Mind Centre and PriceWaterhouseCooper Australia, for InnoWell, signing The Charter has been led and championed by their lived experience working group members.
One of InnoWell’s activities include hosting a working group composed of lived experience representatives that meet monthly with InnoWell leaders to discuss events in their respective communities, the emerging issues or challenges and where the working group members are seeing success. The working group use their lived experience perspective to guide and advise InnoWell to build products and implement them into services in a respectful and meaningful way. The use of inclusive, respectful and non-stigmatising language is such an important part of the process from design to project completion.
Thus, it was important for InnoWell to sign and publically recognise the importance of the principles of The Charter. It demonstrates InnoWell’s commitment to using the right language in mental health, mental illness and suicide.The principles have also been embedded into the organisation as everyday practice.
Life in Mind asked InnoWell a few questions about the work they do and why The Charter is important in supporting their work.
Tell us about InnoWell?
InnoWell is a joint venture between the University of Sydney and PwC, that partners with service providers to provide an online mental health platform that helps people to get the right mental health care at the right time. Their product (the InnoWell Platform) is being tested in communities around Australia to make sure it works for people in lots of different situations and places. InnoWell doesn’t deliver mental health services, it works with health service providers to improve the way they deliver care. Their approach is collaborative and puts people at the centre. Their product monitors, manages and supports the delivery of better mental health outcomes.
What are the key projects of InnoWell?
Project Synergy is InnoWell’s largest project. It is a three year Australian government funded project for a series of research trials that are continuing to grow and expand the co-design, development, implementation and evaluation of the InnoWell Platform. The Lived Experience Advisory Function guides and advises InnoWell in regards to Project Synergy.
Project Synergy brings together research, lived experience, clinical expertise and technology to create a system that is tailored to the service, backed up by contemporary research and informed by real people. The outcomes of Project Synergy are being independently monitored and evaluated.
Tell us about some of InnoWell’s upcoming projects?
Recently, our lived experience working group designed and led a National Community Consultation. Utilising a range of both digital and face-to-face activities to engage with people with a lived experience of mental ill health and the support networks of people with a lived experience of mental ill health, across the Australian community.
Why was it important for InnoWell to sign The Charter?
The group believes that it’s important to sign The Charter as it supports our shared role and responsibilities as individuals and leaders in the sector who are committed to the use of safe language and mental health reform. We are a united voice in our commitment and dedication to The Charter and welcomed the opportunity to sign up.
How will InnoWell incorporate The Charter in its upcoming and existing work?
InnoWell has embedded the principles of The Charter into its organisational governance to ensure that everyone is aware of The Charter and how it should influence their role in current and future projects. The whole team is on board striving to make sure that the principles are upheld and part of what we do. The LEAF working group members are always on hand championing The Charter and its ability to make a difference in the community and especially in the media.
For more information about InnoWell and its programs visit:
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