Life in Mind eNews, December 2023

Posted 14th December 2023 in eNews

Welcome to the last edition of eNews for 2023.

As the year draws to a close, we want to take a moment to thank everyone supporting suicide prevention efforts in Australia. Your dedication and hard work – whether that be in research, policy development, organising events, creating resources, implementing initiatives or advocacy – are essential for promoting the wellbeing of everyone in the community and preventing suicide. We also want to thank those with lived and living experience for their valuable contribution to the work we do.

The festive season, while a time of joy and celebration, can also be challenging for many. It's a time to remember the importance of looking after each other. If you, or someone you know may need support, there are many resources and services available.

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If you would like to share suicide prevention news, current initiatives or published research, please email [email protected]

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