Throughout 2023, the National Suicide Prevention Office (NSPO) has been focused on drafting the National Suicide Prevention Strategy (the Strategy). The team at the NSPO are now nearing final stages of draft development of the Strategy.
The NSPO has advised of a shift in timelines for the development and release of the Strategy to allow for more in-depth consultation, both within and across governments, prior to release for public consultation. This purposeful engagement deep into departments is intended to enable the whole-of-government approach required for reform, by ensuring support for the Strategy at all levels.
The NSPO is currently talking with the many portfolios of the Commonwealth Government where specific recommendations within the Strategy would be actioned. The Strategy will then undergo consultation with states and territory governments before the draft is released for public consultation in early 2024.
This news item was co-written with Ina Mulins, Director, Partnerships & Engagement, National Suicide Prevention Office.
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