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Researchers create guidelines supporting young people with a lived and living experience of suicide to contribute to suicide research

Including young people with lived experience in suicide prevention, research helps us to understand their experiences and meet their needs. Findings inform world-first guidelines ...


The use of digital interventions in clinical care settings for young people at risk of suicide

Digital technologies can be a promising intervention for young people at risk of suicide. These findings guided the creation of guidelines for incorporating digital interventions i...


New report provides insight into people’s lived experience of distress and mental ill-health

The National Mental Health Commission releases a report on people’s lived experience of distress and mental ill-health in Australia.


Support and guidance for the involvement of people with lived experience in suicide research

Involving people with lived and living experience of suicide in suicide research can positively impact research processes and outcomes. This study aims to develop guidelines to sup...


Q&A with Andrew McMahon on his research to support carers of those who have attempted suicide

Everymind PhD student Andrew McMahon provides his insights into the IASP Asia Pacific Conference Pecha Kucha event and his early career research.


IASP APAC highlights lived experience research

The IASP APAC Conference explored the importance of lived experience voices in suicide prevention.


Highlighting CALD Lived Experience of Suicide

The CALD Lived Experience Final Report provides insights into issues faced by culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia.


Preliminary Evaluation of Lived Experience of Suicide Training: Short-, Medium- and Longer-Term Impacts of Our Voices in Action Training

Researchers conducted a formal evaluation of Our voice in action (Ovia), a Roses in the Ocean capacity building training program for people with Lived Experience of suicide. Outcom...