North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network
We believe community must be at the centre of everything we do. Our vision is for a healthy community and a healthy system. Our mission is better care every day, in every way. Our values are equity, respect, collaboration and innovation. We acknowledge the strengths of our community, those with lived experience and those without, and our other stakeholders in both the primary and tertiary sectors. Working together is the best way to reduce suicide attempts and suicide rates.
Trial site information
Melton and Brimbank in Western Melbourne
Macedon Ranges in Northern Melbourne
Read more about these two trials and the other Victorian place-based trials at Victorian Tasmanian Primary Health Network Alliance
NWMPHN is also running a national suicide prevention trial focused on the LGBTIQ community.
Service regions
- Victoria
Focus populations
- Multiple focus
- Provides Policy Information
- Conducts Research
- Provides Factsheets
Organisation type
- Primary Health Network (PHN)
- Victorian Tasmanian Primary Health Network Alliance