Hope Community Services Ltd.
Hope Community Services is the host organisation for the Mental Health Commission (Western Australia) funded "Suicide Prevention Coordinator" in the Goldfields Region.
The role of the Suicide Prevention Coordinator is to; Strengthen community based suicide prevention activities, local capacity building and leadership; Collaborate with local stakeholders to strengthen suicide prevention protocols, establish ways to reduce access to means of suicide (where possible) and map pathways to care to; Ensure communities have the capacity to respond to crises and can access emergency services, crisis support and helplines; Improve postvention responses and care for those affected by suicide and suicide attempts.
Service regions
- Western Australia
Focus populations
- Multiple focus
Organisation type
- Not-for-profit
- Suicide Prevention Australia
- Lifeline WA State-wide Suicide Prevention Network
- Goldfields Suicide Prevention Network
- Esperance Lifespan Group
- Leonora Lives Matter Suicide Prevention Group