Healing Foundation
The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families. Our work helps people create a different future.
We work with communities to create a place of safety, providing an environment for Stolen Generations members and their families to speak for themselves, tell their own stories and be in charge of their own healing.
The Healing Foundation is also leading the way in research in to Indigenous healing. Our studies are unique, valuable and highly regarded both locally and internationally.
We support locally-run projects, training and education, research and commemorations.
Since we started operations in 2010, we have:
- funded more than 100 community organisations to lead and develop healing projects
- established an impressive body of evidence with over 20 evaluations and publications
- assisted more than 20,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members in their healing journeys
- provided grants for local commemorative events
We are governed by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander board, with strong connections to the community and a dynamic mix of experience.
Our head office is in Canberra. We also have offices in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Darwin and the Torres Strait, with staff members working in communities around the country.
Service regions
- All of Australia
Focus populations
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
- Conducts Research
- Provides Factsheets
Organisation type
- Not-for-profit