Support hub for LGBTQIA+ people who have lost someone to suicide

Posted 22nd January 2024 in Sector news

Support After Suicide Hub (SASH) is an online hub that provides support, connection and information for LGBTQIA+ people who have lost someone to suicide.

In Australia, LGBTQIA+ communities are identified as a priority group for suicide prevention, with suicide having a disproportionate impact on LGBTQIA+ communities (LGBTIQ Health Australia, 2021).

LGBTQIA+ people and communities have distinct histories, experiences and needs, so it is important that LGBTQIA+ communities have access to unique and tailored support following suicide bereavement.

SASH was created for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual people who live with loss by suicide. It was developed in conjunction with Switchboard Victoria and Support After Suicide (a Jesuit Social Services led initiative), and its development was guided by an LGBTQIA+ advisory group.

SASH allows LGBTQIA+ people and communities to access resources and connect with peers who have also been bereaved by suicide. The online hub provides a safe and informative space and includes:

  • Information and tips to help understand and manage suicide and suicide bereavement.
  • Real stories from others living with the loss from suicide to help ease stigma and create a sense of connection.
  • The SASH Forum to help connect with a caring peer support community members.
  • Details of local, state and national LGBTQIA+ services, suicide bereavement services, lived experience support groups, podcasts and helplines.

Other web-based resources that may support bereaved LGBTQIA+ people and communities include:

CHARLEELet’s Talk About SuicideQLife
CHARLEE is Switchboard Victoria’s suicide prevention hub for LGBTIQA+ people who have thought about or have lost someone to suicide.The Let’s Talk About Suicide podcast features four LGBTQIA+ people sharing their experiences of losing a loved one to suicide.QLife is an anonymous, free, national peer-support service for LGBTIQA+ people, their families, friends, and communities.

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