Spotlight on LGBTIQ+ mental health

Posted 21st February 2023 in Sector news

Sydney WorldPride takes place from 17 February to 5 March 2023 and is a time to celebrate and focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people, as well as others of diverse bodies, sexualities and genders (+).

LGBTIQ+ are identified as a priority population for suicide prevention in Australia. Evidence demonstrates that the elevated risk of suicidality among LGBTIQ+ people and communities is not related to sexuality, gender identity or intersex characteristics in and of themselves. Instead, the psychological distress resulting from experiences of discrimination, prejudice, abuse and exclusion in relation to their LGBTIQ+ identity, experience or history.

March 2023 also marks one year since the launch of the NSW LGBTIQ+ Health Strategy 2022-2027. In partnership with community organisations like ACON, Equality Australia and Twenty10, NSW Health in the past 12 months has been:

  • Developing an LGBTIQ+ Health Centre in Sydney
  • Funding submissions from the LGBTIQ+ Health Fund
  • Supporting mental health care for trans and gender diverse young people.

The suicide prevention sector can support LGBTIQ+ suicide prevention by working towards understanding the unique challenges that are faced by LGBTIQ+ communities, work towards increasing protective factors and reducing risk factors, and work closely with LGBTIQ+ representatives and communities as part of a comprehensive approach to prevention.

If you or someone you know feels overwhelmed, QLife offers free phone (1800 184 527) and webchat support services 3pm-midnight every day. Alternatively, Lifeline crisis support is available 24/7 via phone (13 11 14) or text (0477 131 114).

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