Welcome to the special May edition of Life in Mind eNews, featuring LGBTIQA+ suicide prevention activities and the latest published research.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual, and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse (LGBTIQA+) people are priority populations in suicide prevention. LGBTIQA+ people show considerable resilience despite adversity, and many organisations, community groups and individuals work tirelessly to promote health and wellbeing.
From national best practice guidelines to regional approaches, we spotlight a handful of LGBTIQA+ suicide prevention initiatives, programs, and research in Australia.
Sector news
- Providing Aftercare service to LGBTIQA+ people
- Australian-first Suicide Prevention Guidelines for LGBTQA+ Young People
- Trans Vitality building resilience for trans adults in NSW
- Community-based suicide prevention for LGBTIQ+ people in the Lake Macquarie and Newcastle Region
- Developing responsive HOPE services for the LGBTIQ+ community
Translated research studies
- Psychological Distress, Resilience, and Help-Seeking Experiences of LGBTIQA+ People in Rural Australia, by Tamara Reynish , Ha Hoang , Heather Bridgman, and Bróna Nic Giolla Easpaig
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If you would like to share suicide prevention news, current initiatives, published research or research study opportunities, please email [email protected]
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