New fact sheet released on intentional self-harm deaths of farmers and farm workers
Posted 17th October 2022 in Research news
A new fact sheet published by the National Coronial Investigation System (NCIS) highlights the frequency of intentional self-harm deaths of farmers and farm workers in Australia.
Upon examination of 730 deaths reported to the coroner in Australia, NCIS data states that there is an average of 38 intentional self-harm deaths in farmers in Australia each year.
Key findings from the data also note that the highest proportion of deaths reported to the coroner was in NSW, with male deaths by intentional self-harm significantly higher (92.3%) than female deaths by intentional self-harm, with majority of death occurring within an age range of 35-54 years. Most intentional self-harm deaths were within those identifying as farmers (61%), followed by farm workers (39%).
The mental health and wellbeing of farmers and farm workers can be impacted by a number of environmental, social and economic influences. Research is encouraged in the space of mental health and suicide prevention for farmers and farm workers in Australia to determine how best to support and prevent death by intentional self-harm.
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