By Black Dog Institute
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre (ILEC) is an advocacy centre based at Black Dog Institute which aims to promote and highlight Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who have lived experiences of mental health challenges and suicide. This includes those who have lost someone to suicide, had thoughts of suicide, or cared for someone suicidal.
ILEC is led and governed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Head of ILEC is Aunty Vicki Mckenna, a Yawuru and Bunuba woman based in Broome.
ILEC have been active since 2019 and has a strong national network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples with lived experience of suicide who provide input into mental health and suicide prevention projects across Australia.
In 2023, an evaluation was conducted by The Seedling Group to investigate the experiences of the ILEC National Network members. This evaluation found that:
- Involvement and engaging with the Centre for National Network members contributed to individual and collective healing
- The ILEC network increased community engagement amongst National Network Members
- Members feel confident in their community voices for varied audiences including State, National and International stakeholders.
- Network members feel connected to peers and the Broader Lived Experience Movement
- The network supported reach and representation to communities in sustainable and culturally responsive ways
- The Network supports the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce in the mental health sector to continue in their roles, contributing to broader workforce sustainability.
“For me, participating in the Network has meant transitioning shame into something positive.”
“When I started engaging with everyone and learning and listening, I realised it was contributing to my healing in so many ways.”
The evaluation reinforced that being guided by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities and encouraging sovereignty and self-determination are critical to healing and preventing suicide. It contributes to the continuing evidence base that solutions determined by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities will work for these communities.
ILEC views the National Network model as a critical blueprint for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities looking to establish their own network.
Lessons from the implementation of the ILEC National Network can be seen in the Organisational Readiness Brief.
Learn more about the ILEC and the National Network here.
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