Read the May edition of the Life in Mind Research update eNews, and the latest in translated mental health and suicide prevention research.
This edition presents key learnings from the IASP 10th Asia Pacific Conference, with a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention and lived experience research.
Also featured is a Q&A with Everymind PhD student, Andrew McMahon who presented at the IASP APAC Pecha Kucha event on his research about ‘Caring for those who care - exploring the experiences and needs of family and friends caring for a person who has attempted suicide’.
A recently published paper explores some of the issues related to suicide prevention in older persons; and a summary of what implementation science is and how it can be used to improve the adoption of suicide prevention research into practice has been included.
New research studies include an economic evaluation of barriers at bridge and cliff sites preventing suicides; and prevention of suicide in refugees and asylum seekers.
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